Can you find the Democ
It would make perfect sense for America to side with the Jewish State for nothing more than the fact that we are the only true Democracy in the Middle East . Without Israel , the rest of the Arab nations would have become subordinates to the Soviet war machine, which would have left America standing alone in a sea of fanatic Muslim countries without the ability to park their planes or soldiers in the area.
Perhaps the fact that almost every terrorist group that exists in the world today is Muslim might have convinced the American public that Muslims cannot be trusted. Perhaps the burning flames that brought down the Twin Towers and killed thousands of innocent Americans should have really closed the case with a guilty verdict pointing at the Muslim world. Instead of the Muslims having to pay the price of their extremist terrorist groups, the fist of American justice has been aimed once again at Israel .
Picture taken from - Hizb ut-Tahrir’s branch in Malaysia promoted its July 26, 2009 conference for a global Islamic Supremacist Caliphate with an image of a “beheaded” Statue of Liberty and NYC in smoking ruins. The HT web site refers to democracy as “perverted.”
Today I am left with a feeling of betrayal, betrayal not against the Jews or against Israel but rather against the free world. American foreign policy has taken a turn towards hugging terrorists under the ridiculous claim of curing the hatred and rift between the Muslim and Western worlds. Instead of America becoming super cautious and suspicious of any nation that cheers Muslim dictators, America has turned the pressure on her allies in order to appease those who want to destroy her!
When President Obama talks of “bridging the gap” between the Muslim world and the United States , what gap is he trying to bridge? Perhaps the gap that was caused by witnessing Muslim terrorists screaming at the top of their lungs that they want to see the destruction of America along with the rest of the infidels? Maybe the number of burning American flags on the streets of countless Muslim cities caused the gap? Or was it the fact that while America was fighting in the gulf, the Muslims were dancing on the rooftops as they saw Iraqi missiles rain down on civilian populations that caused the gap? Whatever caused the rift, hugging these terrorist will not bridge the gap but rather cause a Tsunami!
The nations of the free world seem to be playing in the same orchestra as Obama . While the world twists Israel ’s arm to relinquish the Jewish homeland to Palestinian thugs, the world applauded the arch terrorist, Yasser Arafat,as he accepted the Nobel peace prize!
There is no incident that demonstrates the absurdity, immorality, and obvious bias of world opinion more than the fact that Yasser Arafat was put up on a pedestal and given the highest honor along with a big fat check for being a man of PEACE! Perhaps this honor was given in order to bridge the rift between the PLO terrorist organization and their victims, the free world!
One would think that the American public would be able to see clearly that the Muslim world has chosen THEM as their #1 enemy. It would seem obvious to anyone whose eyes and ears are working properly that the hugging and bowing to the Muslim world is not only immoral but dangerous to the survival of the free world. Unfortunately, the hypnotic effect of the liberal utopian fantasy has destroyed common sense and has caused the natural drive of survival to prostrate before the fairytale hallucinations of world peace.
The Arabs don’t hate Israel because of the territories. The Muslims don’t hate America because of the war in Iraq or Afghanistan . American flags are not burned because America supports Israel . King Abd
ullah didn’t meet with Hitler in WW2 because of the settlements! Arafat did not start the PLO in 1964 (before the settlement block existed!) with the goal of pushing all the Jews into the sea because of the settlements!
It is time we understand that this war is a war based in a violent unforgiving religion called Islam. It is a JIHAD! (Holy War). This is a clash of cultures and morals.
This is not my opinion but rather statements vocalized by the leaders of the Muslim world. We are fighting a religious war. It is between a world that believes in freedom and equality along with the sanctity of human life fighting against a belief system that curses any hint of personal freedom, treats women as subhuman and glorifies death while preaching the destruction of those who do not accept the Islamic religion.
The Palestinians have no history, no religion, and no claims whatsoever over one inch of the This is not my opinion but rather statements vocalized by the leaders of the Muslim world. We are fighting a religious war. It is between a world that believes in freedom and equality along with the sanctity of human life fighting against a belief system that curses any hint of personal freedom, treats women as subhuman and glorifies death while preaching the destruction of those who do not accept the Islamic religion.
One would think busses blowing up and killing innocent civilians would be the reason the peace talks failed. One would think that the random Qassam shelling of innocent Israeli civilian populations for 7 years would be the stumbling block to peace!
Perhaps the mistrust between the Jews and the Muslims was caused by the 7 wars the Arabs waged on
One might suspect that the Palestinian public support of
So what is it that causes the world to bow to those who look to destroy it?
Why does the President of United States of America choose to bridge the gap between a fundamentalist and violent terrorism-based religion and the American way? If your child was attending school with a murderer, would you want him to become close with the murderer or distance himself as much as possible? Why is Europe choosing to side with the Muslims and constantly condemning Israel? What have the Muslims given to the world that causes the mantra; “Must appease the Muslims”?
Why does the President of United States of America choose to bridge the gap between a fundamentalist and violent terrorism-based religion and the American way? If your child was attending school with a murderer, would you want him to become close with the murderer or distance himself as much as possible? Why is Europe choosing to side with the Muslims and constantly condemning Israel? What have the Muslims given to the world that causes the mantra; “Must appease the Muslims”?
The American public is not stupid. America does believe in freedom and justice. What about her President? Why does Hussein Obama insult and Israel time and time again? Why does Obama support and back those who have nothing in common with the United States belief in personal freedom? Some say he is a Muslim, some say he is ignorant about the Middle East and others say he is lacking experience. Whatever the reason, it is obvious that the president of the United States of America favore Islamic regimes over a Democratic Israel.
What about the American public? Didn’t they witness the murd
ers of thousands of Americans and the downfall of the Twin Towers? Didn’t they witness the endless hijackings of plains in the 1980’s by Arafat’s thugs? What motivates the American public to elect a president whose middle name is Hussein and whose American identity is in question in addition to his connection to fanatic Muslim preachers?
The question is not is America friend or Foe. The question is when will someone warn Uncle Sam to wake up? All I know is, it better happen soon before someone puts a burke on the Statue of Liberty.
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