Why The Dome Of The Rock MUST Come Down.

Many have said  I am starting World War 3 by posting this, but I disagree. You don't start a war by posting a blog post and you don't start a war by building houses, synagogues or kindergartens. Wars are started with weapons, with terrorism and most importantly with an ideology that has the word Jihad as part of its basic beliefs. 
This is how wars are started!
Let's get something straight. Israel has given up land, taken security risks and even transferred Jews out of their homes to appease the Arabs. Every time Israel offered a peace deal to the Arabs, they chose war. From 1948 through the Gaza pullout, the Arabs have always chosen death over life and war over peace.
 I believe it was Abba Ebin who said,

 "The Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity."

READ ALSO: Why Arab Suffering Has Nothing To Do With Israel

There is one place in Israel that does not allow for freedom of religion. In fact the location I am about to reveal is completely closed to prayer when it comes to a specific religion. There are roadblocks and checkpoints that are set up strictly to expose a persons religion as well as Police and even a private brute squad that make sure none of the people from a specific religion dare visit this site. Even when they are allowed in, if they dare whisper a prayer they are immediately arrested. 
Believe it or not, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is off limits to JEWS! Although this is the holiest place to the Jewish religion, Jews who attempt to pray are immediately arrested and thrown out! The Mufti's brute squad stand around starring down Jews making sure they don't utter a prayer and if they do, the Mufti's men jump in to action and kick the Jews out. 
Don't misunderstand me, I have no interest in this mosque that sits on the ruins of the Jewish Tempe of Jerusalem. In fact the Muslims don't use that building and it is there only as a trophy of the conquering of the Jewish Temple Mount.
The mosque Muslims pray at is the small one to the left of of the gold dome. 

A Little History About Jerusalem

Jerusalem itself is not mentioned in the Quran, Mohammed NEVER visited Jerusalem and the Muslims have absolutely no religious ties to Jerusalem. Further more, Muslims face Mecca when they pray and face their back sides towards the gold dome and where the Holy Of Holies once stood. 
When it comes to the Jews, we have always faced Jerusalem for prayer and it is mentioned over 500 in Tanach! (Torah & Prophets) Furthermore, the temple mount was home to the Jewish temple before Islam ever existed. It was the Romans who occupied Israel from the Jews and stole the Temple artifacts and destroyed the Temple.

So why the gold dome?

Fanatic Muslims did what they do best and that is conquer and destroy. The dome is built on what is called the Temple Mount and was built where the Jewish Temple once stood.

Some Muslims say the Temple never existed while others say it did but no where near the Temple Mount. 
Let's forget about all the Jewish sources and let's take a look at Islam. When it comes to Israel the Quran clearly states that Israel belongs to the Jewish people. 

When it comes to Jerusalem, no where in the Quran does it say the city of Jerusalem is holy to Islam. In fact Jerusalem is NOT mentioned in the Quran at all!  When it comes to the mosque on the Temple Mount, it was named by Muslim sources, (you ready for this! ) Bayt al-Muqaddas. 

Where did they get that name from? 

Here's a hint. The Jewish Temple was called Bet Hamikdash! Bayt Al - Muqaddas lieterally means the House that is built on the Mikdash (Temple)
They Muslims named the mosque after what was already there before they stole it! 

What Does All This Mean?

It means the Muslims are illegally occupying the Temple Mount! I wonder if the UN is going to come to support our call to end the Islamic occupation of the Temple Mount!
In fact, Muslims are occupying many parts of Israel, but we, the Jews, are not trying to blow them up for it, we actually wish they would just live in peace. (What a crazy idea!)

Then there are the "practical" people who say the situation is what it is and it now belongs to Muslims. I am a religious Jew and maybe my idea of HOLY is different than theirs, so you be the judge.
Does this look like they are treating the area as a holy place or as a battle ground for a holy war? 

Perhaps Muslims giving the middle finger and attacking Jews who just came to pray is an Islamic holy thing to do.
This happened this year!

What Should Be Done?

Well if you're pro Israel and do NOT fabricate history, the answer is clear. Even IF you're anti Israel and you think the Jews should "Get the hell out of Palestine" as was suggested by the wicked witch of the Obama house, at least be consistent. If you think an occupied people have a right to demand their land back, the conclusion is obvious; it's time to give back what was taken from the Jews. It's time we the Jews, who were occupied and our Temple burned, take back what's rightfully ours! 
It's time to rebuild the Bet Hamikdash! 

Don't forget to join me on the IsraelShield Facebook Page as well as on@israel_shield on Twitter! One more thing, please let me know in the comments below what you thought about this post! 


  1. AnonymousJune 27, 2014

    Great post! Thank you my friend!!

  2. AnonymousJune 28, 2014

    Uru-Shalem has been the “center” – if you prefer the “capital”, a western concept – of the Jewish people since an ancient past. But it was never ever only that. It was “crucial” for many other human beings, thousands of years before that the first Jew was born and for the centuries and millennia afterwards. This should suggest us that the city should never be consider the center – once again, if you prefer the capital – of one single people.
    It doesn't matter if Al-Buraq carried the Islamic prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem or elsewhere. What counts is what people believe in. I can quote dozens of passages from the Bible that are totally flawed. Who cares? It is the fact that you believe in them that gives them value.


    1) This conflict goes much deeper than religion. And I like to quote one of the leading scholar of the last century, Maxime Rodinson:

    "The Arab population of Palestine were native in all the usual senses of that word. Ignorance, sometimes backed up by hypocritical propaganda, has spread a number of misconceptions on this subject, unfortunately very widely held. It has been said that since the Arabs took the country by military conquest in the seventh century, they are occupiers like any other, like the Romans, the Crusaders and the Turks. Why therefore should they be regarded as any more native than the others, and in particular than the Jews, who were native to that country in ancient times, or at least occupiers of longer standing? To the historian the answer is obvious. A small contingent of Arabs from Arabia did indeed conquer the country in the seventh century. But as a result of factors which were briefly outlined in the first chapter of this book, the Palestinian population soon became Arabized under Arab domination, just as earlier it had been Hebraicized, Aramaicized, to some degree even Hellenized. It became Arab in a way that it was never to become Latinized or Ottomanized. The invaded melted with the invaders. It is ridiculous to call the English of today invaders and occupiers, on the grounds that England was conquered from Celtic peoples by the Angles, Saxons and Jutes in the fifth and sixth centuries. The population was “Anglicized” and nobody suggests that the peoples which have more or less preserved the Celtic tongues – the Irish, the Welsh or the Bretons – should be regarded as the true natives of Kent or Suffolk, with greater titles to these territories than the English who live in those counties.”

    1. You cannot quote one single scripture from the Bible that iw flawed. Just because you do not understand them doesn't mean its flawed. It simply means you trust in the flawed wisdom of man , rather than the infallible wisdom of the Almighty. Thats your choice.

  3. AnonymousJune 28, 2014

    3) In the course of the 1948's war Israel's forces occupied five mixed cities and nine cities entirely Arab. More than this, 500 Palestinian villages were razed to the ground.

    West Jerusalem, the part that remained under Israeli control, accounted for 84,13 percent of Mandatory Jerusalem. Between 1948 and 1967 , only 11, 48 percent remained in the hands of the Arabs , since the remaining 4.39 percent was the buffer zone between the two sectors. In West Jerusalem has earned , the properties Jewish did not exceed 30 per cent. Israel justifies its conquest of Jerusalem East in 1967 with the fact that between 1948 and 1967, the Jews had no right of access to the Wall Wailing . This refusal , which lasted twenty years , did not have any Muslim motivation , as Jews had free access to Jerusalem in the previous twelve centuries of Muslim rule the city, while the same access they had been forbidden under Christian domination , both Byzantine crusade. The question of the Wailing Wall is a consequence of 1948's War. In the course of the war Jewish forces occupied the five mixed cities, nine cities entirely Arab, and five hundred Palestinian villages were razed and mainly distributed to settlers. On the other hand the ethnic cleansing deprived of the house 750,000 Palestinians , Christians and Muslims , the inhabitants of these villages and towns.

    And while between 1948 and 1967, Jews were forbidden access to the Wailing Wall, for those refugees Palestinians and their descendants there was and remains the prohibition of access to their lands and their homes in Israel .

  4. Hello there Anonymous,
    My blog was created for people like you who love to fabricate history.
    You forgot to mention (innocently of course) that it was the Arab armies that attacked Israel after they said "NO!" to the partition plan. Israel was NOT the aggressor but the victim of this attack.
    Never in the war did Israel have any intention of kicking any or all Arabs out and a Palestinian people or army were not involved in the war.
    While it is true some ran, many left when the Arab league told them to do so and to come back after they kick us in to the sea. Of course that did NOT happen.
    Jerusalem was NEVER an arab capitol or major city. Mohammed never actually stepped foot in Jerusalem, it is not mentioned once in the Quran and the mosque built in the place of the Jewish Temple was originally called Al Bayit Maqdush meaning on the Bet Hamikdash or Jewish Temple in English.
    There is no historical, national or religious "Palestinian" right to Jerusalem or any part of Israel. They never had a State here and NEVER governed the area. Please keep your historical facts straight.
    Our justification of freeing parts of the Land of Israel was because Arabs attacked and lost! Jordan occupied the WB in 1947 and Egypt had Gaza. Palestinians had neither and nothing. Jews were in Israel before Islam existed..The word Palestine was coined by the Romans when they occupied it from....yup, the JEWS!
    The ethnic cleansing thing is a complete lie. In Israel there is a 20% Arab population and they receive equal rights like everyone else. Jews in Arab lands do NOT receive the same and number of Jews chased out of Arab countries towers over Arabs who left Israel. In fact there are more Arab citizens in little Israel than Jews in ALL Arab lands combined!
    You mention occupation then you mention Palestinians. I tell you what, you show me when an Arab Palestine State EVER existed before Israel and I erase this blog completely! I am waiting.....

  5. AnonymousJuly 19, 2014

    Nehemiah had a response for the heathen who hated the Jewish people in his day and I wish the Israeli government would have the same response to the heathen who attack Israel in our time...

    "The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build: but ye have no portion, nor right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem" (Nehemiah 2:20).

    It is time to tear down the dome, rebuild the temple and reclaim ALL of the land given by GOD to Abraham and his descendants.

    Am Yisrael Chai!

  6. Actually I don't think the Romans occupied Israel which they called Palestine. They ruled it and taxed it heavily. They liked Jerusalem apparently and Romans did settle in there.

  7. But why are they having a fart contest every Friday in front of the "Dome of the Rock"?

    1. you think thats funny
      u ****

  8. AnonymousMay 01, 2016

    I am Christian. But I stand with Israel. This morning in church as I prayed I had a clear vision. I could see a sunset behind the dome in Israel. Then I saw the dome fall. It just crumbled. That's all I saw. But it was crystal clear.

  9. AnonymousJune 05, 2016

    nah your writings will not start a war
    how can it start a war while the writing itself is meant to be a joke

    you wrote article in the begining you said that quran says that holy land(JERUSALEM) belong to israel, later you wrote that quran has never mention jerusalem.

    blow a horn?
    get your homework done, maybe people will start hear you and can start a war lollol

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      I understand this post made you upset and I can imagine you were grabbing at anything you can to try to discredit the historical truths that I brought above. The issue is, your comment proves that you have an issue with reading comprehension.
      I wrote Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Quran (which is true) and I wrote that the Quran says Jews will be brought back to the land (of Israel) that was given to them.

      Now that you have been corrected and you understand just how silly your comment was, I wonder if you will rethink your opinions.

      See, if people were honest and were really worrying about justice and truth, we could have a normal conversation, but let's be real, you are not looking for truth, you are looking to bash Israel.
      Here's some advice for you. Every nation and people who tried to destroy the Jews lost and they are no longer. You are on the wrong side buddy.
      Have a wonderful day!


Of course I am interested in hearing your opinions and thoughts.
No vulgarity please and try to keep to the facts.


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