I am a religious Jew and I believe in God. I also believe God created nature and rules by which the world runs. Gravity, orbit and the Earth spinning and orbiting around the sun are part of those natural rules and I simply do not understand how this religious Islamic preacher can keep a straight face while explaining why nature actually doesn't exist.
The truth is, I DO understand how this religious man was able to keep a straight face and why he was not laughed out of his sermon - both he and his followers actually believe the ignorance he is preaching. They feel that if the Earth IS actually orbiting the sun, it would be a death sentence to their religious beliefs. Oh well!
Do I believe all Muslims buy into this stuff? Of course not!
There are endless examples of educated and peaceful Muslims, but when it comes to numbers of educated Muslims in Islamic regimes, the results are simply embarrassing. This is not about an individual's potential as a Muslim; that would be racist. Muslims during their Golden Age used to be not only educated but they were even at the forefront of scientific discoveries. The entire world should be up in arms over the lack of education or personal rights that are allowed to the BILLIONS of Muslims in Islamic regimes.
So why does this Muslim preacher have an audience?
It is the same ignorance with a side dish of hate that Muslims are brought up with when it comes to Israel. Whether it is vilifying the Jewish State with everything from pictures of the devil to cold-blooded murderers, the worst thing Islamic States could allow is freedom of travel to Israel. Can you imagine the shock of a Muslim raised on religious hate, coming to Israel and discovering he has more freedom and rights in the Jewish country than he receives in his own country?
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While activists who have never actually visited Israel are calling to boycott Israel, this Egyptian-born Arab who happens to be Tel Aviv's valedictorian had something different to say.
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Obama thinks he is a hero and is repeating what Chamberlain did when he signed a "Peace Treaty" with Adolf Hitler. Both Chamberlain and Obama believed they were bringing world peace and saving their respective nations from an unnecessary war.
Is the Iran deal really that bad? Watch the latest Prager University video and let us know in the comments below if you also think history is repeating itself.
If you are following@IsraelShield on Twitter or on Facebook, you understand how important it is for me to fight anti-Israel propaganda and lies. I do need your support to continue to defend Israel both online and offline and your contribution will help launch some exciting plans and IsraelShield projects for the future.
Last week an Arab baby was murdered. Whatever and whomever was responsible for the fire that killed the Ali Saad Duwabasha, they should be caught and tried as a terrorist. This tragedy is a horrible one and IF it turns out that a Jew carried it out, he will be shunned and outcast as well as arrested and punished with the blessing of the entire Israeli public.
How to react to the murder of a Muslim baby? Do the opposite of what our enemies do!
Neither by the boy Abu Khedier, who was murdered by a psychopath, nor with this recent incident, did you see Jews giving out candies as a sign of happiness or posting Facebook pictures with three fingers to show their support for murder. We do not fund, support or condone the people who murder innocent people; Muslims, Christians or Jews. We do not award Jews who murder innocent Muslims, we do not give them medals and thank them for their murder!
The only indication that this was carried out by an Israeli is the Hebrew writing around the house that was burned down. There were no witnesses that can point to Jews, there are no suspects (at least that we know of), there is just suspicion and that is sufficient enough to embarrass the entire State of Israel.
The reason we are shocked by this suspicion is because as a whole, we just don't do such things.
In the past 67 years, you can count on one hand the number of Jews (too many) who carried out such hideous acts as this one.
Those that did murder in the past were arrested and jailed for their actions and in no way were they accepted by Israel. After the news of the death and suspected murder of Ali Saaad Duwabasha, there was condemnation from wall to wall. There were no sweets being handed out, there were no jubilant cheers; there was shock and disgust and Israeli celebrities rushed to the hospital to try and comfort the Duwabasha family.
Although no evidence has been publicized as to who carried out this murder, the Arabs, the leftists and other liberals have been pointing fingers at the entire Jewish population in the settlements.
There is not a single Israeli who accepts this kind of murder and the attempt by some in the world and even leftist liberals in Israel to blame and generalize against a Jewish population that had absolutely nothing to do with this murder is pure bigotry. The Muslims have already called for an intifada and the murder of random Jews in revenge for a murder that in the meantime has no suspects.
Again, all the information I give here does not change the fact that this is a personal tragedy for the Ali Saad Duwabasha's family and a horrific murder and act of terror no matter who carried it out.
Arabs have carried out over 90 attacks since the incident on random Jews in revenge for the murder that is yet to produce a single suspect. There have been makeshift bombs thrown at Jewish cars, stoning attacks as well as shooting attacks and the leftists are silent.
It is as if they actually justify the reaction of the Muslims to a murder that has not yet been solved.
The liberal leftist Israelis who are addicted to the "peace" drug have held demonstrations across Israel pointing fingers at religious Jews and settlers. While there is absolutely no evidence that the murderer was a Jew or a settler, facts do not matter when it comes to the leftists bashing Jews in settlements.
The leftists are screaming battle cries against Jews even though they have absolutely no proof that the people they are blaming were involved in even the slightest bit. When it comes to the leftists Muslim "peace partners", they seem to give just a little bit more benefit of the doubt.
When a radical Muslim attacks you will often see the words "suspected" terrorist attack in the Israeli press and until ALL evidence is in they will not admit it was an radical Islamic hate crime, but when it comes to an Arab baby being murdered...who needs evidence! Let's get those settlers!
My conclusion?
First of all my condolences goes out to the Duwabasha family and I hope they will find a way to rebuild their lives. If they want advice, they can talk to the thousands of Israeli families whose sons, daughters, mothers and fathers were murdered by Islamic terrorists over the years.
They will show the Duwabasha family how not to drown in hate.
To the liberal leftists in Israel, you are a bunch of hypocrites. When was the last time you had an angry demonstration against the PA? When was the last time leftist celebrities rushed to the hospital to visit the victims of Islamic terror? Where were you when the Fogel family was slaughtered like animals in their house? Where were you for the hundreds of Jews who were murdered by radical Islamic terrorists and supported and funded by the same people who you call "peace partners"!
You can count on one hand the times that Jews carried out such hideous acts and you come to a clear conclusion but you don't have enough toes, fingers or bones in your body to count the Jews who were murdered by radical Muslims and you still consider them peace partners!
Here is a short list of Jewish children murdered by Muslims and no angry demonstration was held by the left....why?
Aryeh Alexander Sandler 5 Gabriel yisaschar Sandler 3 . Daniel Aryeh viflic 16 Elad Fogel was 4 years old. Hadas Fogel 1 Yoav fogel was 10 years old. Jonathan Palmer 1 Shlomo nativ 13 Segev Peniel avihail z 15 Yonatan Yitzhak Eldar z 16 Yonadav Haim Hirschfeld was 18. Neria Cohen z 15 Yohai Lifshitz was 18. Avraham David Mozes z 16 Ro'i Aharon Roth 18 Ans Ayisaat 18 Halad Al ziyadat 12. Fatchi Asadi 4 Eliyahu Pinchas Asheri was 18. Rabi tlosey z 6 Mahmoud tlosey z 4 Mazal Zarivi 15. Daniel wultz z 16 Muhammad Hamudi paaor z 17 DOA Abbas z 16 Amir Naeem z 17 Shaked Lasker z 16 Omar Menashe pisaachov z l 8 Ella Abukasis was 17. Rachel Chali Ben Abu 16. Oz Israel Ben Meir was 14 Nofar Horvitz z 16 Avihai levy z 16 Yehuda aviad Mansur z 15 Yuval abebeh z 4 Afik Zahavi-Ohayon z 3 Lior azulai was 18. Aviel Yitzhak Ben Ateş z 3 Halil Zatuna 9 Natalie masret Binsan was two years old. Ronnie Sarah hatuel was 6. Merav Rachel hatuel z 2 Hila ester hatuel 10. Hadar hatuel 9 Benaya Jonathan Zuckerman was 18. Lior liaorinka niv 3 . Gilad giladi niv 11. Kemer Abu Hamed was 13. Shaked Avraham z 1 Tomer Almog was 9 years old. Haviv dadon was 16. Binyamin Bergman z 15 Avraham bar-or z 12. Shmuel zargari 1 year Noya Zer-Aviv z 1 Liran Zer-Aviv z 4 Erez gisero hershkovitz z 18 Tom hershko z 15 Daniel harush z 16 Samuel taovnfeld 1 year Moran Menahem was 17. Yuval mendalaviz 13 Abigail Lytle z 14 Noam Leibowitz z l 7 Samih sarsur was 10 years old. Mohammad Sarsur 12 Tehila Natanzan z 3 Elisheva meshulami, 16 z Elizabeth Liz Katzman z 19 Assaf Blondie Zur Zulinger 17 Smadar firstater z 16 Assaf Steyr was 10 years old. Issachar Dov Reinitz z 9 Tal Kerman was 17. Shani avitzedek Abutzedaka 16. Osnat Abramov was 16. Matan Ohayun 5 Noam levy Ohayun 4 Yael Ohana z 11 Orly Ofir z 15. Noa Orbach was 18. Dvir unter 14 Ya'akov Avraham Eliahu z 1. Lidor Ilan z 11 Oriah Ilan z 1 GAL Eisenman was five. Glila Buglah 1 z Hodaya Hodayush Asraf 13. Noy Unter 12 Shuvel zion dikstein 9 Elmer dzbrailov z 16 ADI Dahan was 17. Yehonatan Gamliel z 16 Hadar Hershkowitz was 14. Rachel Gila teller z 16 Gavriel hoter z 17 Shmuel Ephraim yerushalmi z 17 Atara Livne z 15. Raheli HELI levi z 17 Shiraz nehmad z 6 Saul Nehmad z 15 Liran nehmad z 3 Abraham Eliahu nehmad z 16 Baruch Asher Zvi Marcus was 18. Aviya Malka 1 Nehemiya Amar 15 Linoy Sarusi z 14 Avraham Yosef Chaim Seaton was 17. Gaston prafi perpinal 15 Ilan Perlman z l 8 Aharon Mordechai Arik Krogiliak z 18 Sinai Keinan z 1 Tal Zvi tlik Kurtzweil z 18 Ran Koren 18 z GAL Koren z 14 Assaf Moshe Zefira z l 18 Abraham neriyah Shvu z 16 Avishai Ben-Yosef Shvu z 5 Keren Shatzky z 14. Netanel Riahi 17 Erez Shlomo Rund 18 Ofer Ron z 18 Yafit revivo z 14 Daniel Bat El shefi was 5. ADI shiran 17 Sarah Tiferet Shilon 1 Gilad Stieglitz z 14 Zvi Yaakov Israel SHVU was 12. Hadas turjeman z 14 Michael reshevsky z 16 Assaf avitan z 15 Irina Osdazi 18 Yosef ish-ran, z l 14 Jose alasera z 18 Yuri Gushchin z 18 Marina bRakovsky was 17. Shoshana Rahel Shoshi ben Yishai 16 Adam Weinstein z 14 Yaakov Israel Danino z 17 Jeniya Karen Dorfman z 16 Ido Cohen 18. Maria Tagilzeb 14. Tamar Masngiser 8 Jacob Kobi Mandel was 13. Aliza Malka was 16. Mariana medvedenko z 16 Naftali Benzion lanzkron z 13 Ronen Landau was 17. Alexei LUPALO 17. Raya Swichschorder z 14 Hemda Bracha Swichschorder Abraham, Isaac Swichschorder z 4 Irina naphomaniashtzi 16 Raisa Nemirovsky was 15. Yulia nelimov z 16 Avraham Nahman Avrum Natzani 18 Shalhevet Tehiya pass z 1 Yair Amar z 13 Julia Yael sclianik 15 Liana sakian z l 16. Michal Sarah Raziel z 16 Malka Chana Malki Roth 15. Eliran Rosenberg z 14 Simona Rudin was 18. Menashe meni Regev z 14 Katrina Arias was 15. Anya Anyota Kaztkov 16. Golan turgeman z 15 Yocheved Shoshan was 10 years old. Judah Shoham 1 Ofir rahum was 17. Gilead Shaer z 16 Naftaly Frenkel was 16. Adele Beaton 4 An Arab baby called Ali Saad Duwabasha was murdered. It is sickening to watch the left as they use this murder to gain political points over the right. Stop disrespecting the victim. Don't forget to join me on the IsraelShield Facebook Page as well as on @israel_shield on Twitter!